DiskTrix DefragExpress v1.46 Win2kXP2k3Vista 英文正式版(磁碟碎片整理軟體)
DefragExpress是開發UltimateDefrag的DiskTrix labs最新推出的一款磁碟碎片整理程式,
The DefragExpress application was
designed to be a unique and clever
defragger designed to make the
process of defragging your hard drive
as simple and fast as possible and at
the same time restoring your hard
drive performance file access
performance to the level it should be
while you are using your PC.
Maintaining and minimizing hard drive
fragmentation is critical to
maintaining peak performance of your
PC. DefragExpress is designed to
replace the default defragger that
comes with your Windows based
operating system ?or any other
defragger you use, for that matter.
DefragExpress is unique in that it
uses a very clever method to defrag
your hard drive as fast as
practically possible and at the same
time arranges files to minimize the
rate of re-fragmentation. The
defragging method used, developed at
DiskTrix labs, is the most ideal one
for defragging a hard drive.
While all other defraggers defrag,
only DefragExpress defrags with the
resultant file layout that gives you
fastest complete defrags and slower
refragmentation. While your very
first defrag may take a while, you
will find that all subsequent defrags
are completed from anywhere between 1
to 10 minutes most of the time ?
regardless of how big your hard drive
and how many files.
DefragExpress is very easy to use and
requires no knowledge of files or
fragmentation. All it requires is the
ability to make a few mouse clicks
here and there.
Disktrix UltimateDefrag v4.0.98 英文正式版(最佳化你的硬碟軟體)
MultiStage Recovery Professional v3.5 Win2kXP2k3Vista 英文正式版(數據恢復軟體)
DiskTrix UltimateDefrag 2008 v2.0.0.48 英文正式版(最佳化硬碟的軟體)
DiskTrix UltimateDefrag 2008 v2.0.0.47 英文正式版(重組硬碟軟體)
DiskTrix UltimateDefrag v1.61 英文正式版(重組並且最佳化硬碟軟體)
DiskTrix UltimateDefrag v1.64 英文正式版(重組並且最佳化硬碟軟體)
Disktrix UltimateDefrag v3.0.100.37 英文正式版(一款可以用你想像的方法重組並且最佳化你的硬碟軟體)